
Wesselényi Street Nursery, Kindergarten and School

Address: 1075 Budapest, Wesselényi street 44.

Contact: +36 (1) 413 0137



Principal : Gubis Csaba

On behalf of the Pest Jewish Community, designed by architect Vilmos Freund the modern school building on the corner of Kertész Street and Wesselényi Street in 1896, which was also equipped with a large ceremonial hall with synagogue functions was inaugurated. In the 1919/2020 school year, the first Jewish high school in the country started here which operated from the 1923/24 school year in the new Israelite boys ‘and girls’ grammar school (now: ELTE Radnóti Miklós Gyakorló Gimnázium) built on the corner of Szent Domonkos (today: András Cházár) and Abonyi utca, and only the lower schools remained in the building . 

From the end of November 1944, the Wesselényi school became the border building of the Budapest ghetto. One of the four gates of the ghetto, which was closed on December 10, the eastern gate, was built along the building. An emergency hospital has been set up in the school building. The International Committee of the Red Cross tried to provide medicines. The walls of the ghetto were broken here at dawn on January 18, 1945, by the Red Army.

Soon after the enormous losses, education was resumed at the Wesselényi school, which lasted until 1948, when, like other denominational schools, the state closed it. Then, for decades, there was a vocational training institute within the walls. In 1955, a ghetto memorial plaque was placed on the wall of the building, the text of which reads: “In memory of all those who fell victim to murderous fascism Population of District 7. ‘.


A new chapter began in the building in 1990, when the American Foundation School Maszoret Ávot opened its doors. The first Jewish school after the change of regime began with nearly 500 students, thanks to the generous offerings of Albert Reichmann of Canada and David Moskovits of the United States. In the meantime, the maintenance of the school has been taken over and managed by the Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community of Hungary since then, who have supplemented the upbringing of the children here with the function of a nursery and a kindergarten. As the name of the school (Ávot Maszoret) shows, the teachers who teach here educate students in the spirit of ancient Jewish traditions in a building equipped according to modern life.


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