A hitközség friss hírei

Sharon Paskesz angol nyelvű tanítása – ויצא

Among all the matriarchs, Rachel is unique. She is the only one not buried in the family cave in Hebron. The matriarchs were prophetesses. She understood, that generations later her children were to be exiled from the Holy Land, she prepared for it and gave up her rightful burial place in Hebron. Hundreds of years later, when the exile actually happen, the prophet Jeremiah  accompanied the nations on the tragic journey and beseeched God for mercy, Rachel wept on their behalf and God answered her prayers: “Your deeds are rewarded, the Jews be returned to Israel. She bequeathed to us the ability to relinquish our wishes and comfort for the sake of redeeming the Jewish nation.

According to kabbalah there are ten spheres of Divine influence. Rachel corresponds to the last of the spirituals spheres, Malchut – kingship. Malchut in a way is associated with speech. When Rachel spoke and her voice was heard on high, she utilized her well-developed power of Malchut, connecting herself directly to God.

She bequeathed to us the ability to relinquish our wishes and comfort for the sake of redeeming the Jewish nation. The final and complete redemption of the entire nation as the Talmud says in the merit of righteous Jewish woman. The Jews were redeemed from Egypt and it is in their merit, that we will be redeemed from the present exiles.

Shabbat Shalom!

Sharon Paskesz


MAOIH hírek
A hitközség friss hírei
A Magyarországi Autonóm Orthodox Izraelita Hitközség hivatalos közleményei és legfrissebb hírei.